ajustpeer – peer review forum
Why We Exist

Bridging the Knowledge Gap

Understanding the inner workings of the review process is challenging. Most of what we know comes from the limited, descriptive details journals choose to share, which can vary significantly. Despite some promising trends towards greater transparency in peer review, a persistent information asymmetry remains — where journals hold more or exclusive knowledge about their processes.

Scientists occasionally share their experiences online, but these accounts often lack detail. To avoid backlash or conflict, researchers tend to self-censor journal names, leaving the specifics unclear. What’s truly missing are genuine, individual experiences from the peer review process.

Our Mission

Amplifying the Missing Voices

We believe in the power of transparency and equal access to information, especially for emerging researchers. This can save time, effort, and resources, helping to avoid frustrations, delays, and potential career setbacks. AJustPeer offers a unique platform where you can share your experiences about scientific journals anonymously or openly, pose specific inquiries about any given journal, and engage in constructive feedback with your peers.

Engage with AJustPeer

Dive into the Discussion

Your insights can help peers make informed decisions about journal selection, navigate submissions, and better understand the review process. Additionally, sharing your experiences can hold journals accountable. This is your opportunity to amplify your voice.

peer review process
Ensuring Continuity

How we sustain the platform

AJustPeer is committed to maintaining a safe and impartial environment, free from any organic or financial affiliations with publishing companies. Our neutrality fosters an atmosphere where users can freely express their perspectives. Operated by a small team, we rely on user support through sponsorships or subscriptions to cover expenses and keep the platform accessible. We also aim to generate revenue via Google Ads.