Explore discussions about the peer review process of scientific journals in the field of Anthropology.
Journal of Migration History
Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs
Journal of Muslims in Europe
Journal of Organizational Ethnography
Journal of Peasant Studies
Journal of Physiological Anthropology
Journal of Population and Social Studies
Journal of Psychedelic Studies
Journal of Race Ethnicity and the City
Journal of Race, Ethnicity and Politics
Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities
Journal of Scottish Historical Studies
Journal of Siberian Federal University – Humanities and Social Sciences
Journal of Social Ontology
Journal of the Anthropological Society of South Australia
Journal of the International Phonetic Association
Journal of the North Atlantic
Journal of the Ottoman and Turkish Studies Association
Journal of the Polynesian Society
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute
Journal of the Siam Society
Journal of the Southwest
Journal of Tourism Analysis
Journal of Vietnamese Studies
Journal of War and Culture Studies
Journal on Asian Linguistic Anthropology
Kulturne Dejiny
Laboratorium: Russian Review of Social Research
Language, Discourse and Society
Latin American and Caribbean Ethnic Studies
Lithic Technology
Lodzkie Studia Etnograficzne
MAI Journal
Mana: Estudos de Antropologia Social
Mankind Quarterly
Marvels and Tales