Business and International Management
Explore discussions about the peer review process of scientific journals in the field of Business and International Management.
Journal of Marketing Research
Journal of Media Business Studies
Journal of Modern Project Management
Journal of Operational Risk
Journal of Organizational Behavior Education
Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management
Journal of Place Management and Development
Journal of Productivity Analysis
Journal of Professions and Organization
Journal of Project Management (Canada)
Journal of Public and Nonprofit Affairs
Journal of Public Policy and Marketing
Journal of Quantitative Economics
Journal of Research in Marketing and Entrepreneurship
Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management
Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship
Journal of Social Entrepreneurship
Journal of South Asian Development
Journal of Strategy and Management
Journal of Sustainable Finance and Investment
Journal of Technology Transfer
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science
Journal of the International Council for Small Business
Journal of the Textile Association
Journal of Work-Applied Management
Journal of World Business
Journal of World Investment and Trade
Jurnal Pengurusan
Knowledge Management Research and Practice
Latin American Business Review
Leadership Quarterly
LOGI – Scientific Journal on Transport and Logistics
Management and Labour Studies
Management and Organization Review
Management and Organizational History
Management and Production Engineering Review
Management and Sustainability
Management International Review
Management Research
Managerial and Decision Economics