Civil and Structural Engineering
Explore discussions about the peer review process of scientific journals in the field of Civil and Structural Engineering.
Cement International
Chinese Journal of Engineering Design
Chinese Journal of Wood Science and Technology
Chongqing Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Chongqing University
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Civil Engineering and Architecture
Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems
Civil Engineering Infrastructures Journal
Civil Engineering Journal (Iran)
Coastal Engineering Journal
Communications – Scientific Letters of the University of Zilina
Composite Structures
Computational Particle Mechanics
Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering
Computers and Structures
Construction and Building Materials
Construction Innovation
Construction Materials and Products
Coupled Systems Mechanics
Curved and Layered Structures
Dams and Reservoirs
Developments in the Built Environment
DFI Journal
Drinking Water Engineering and Science
Earthquake and Structures
Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration
Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics
Ecology and Civil Engineering
Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering
Energia Elettrica
Energy and Buildings
Energy and Built Environment
Engineering Solid Mechanics
Engineering Structures
Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management
European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering
Facta Universitatis, Series: Mechanical Engineering
Fatigue of Aircraft Structures