Cognitive Neuroscience
Explore discussions about the peer review process of scientific journals in the field of Cognitive Neuroscience.
Multisensory Research
Neural Computation
Neural Networks
Neurobiology of Learning and Memory
NeuroImage: Clinical
Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews
Neuroscience Research Notes
Open Mind
Personality Neuroscience
Phenomenology and Mind
Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences
Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
Schizophrenia Research: Cognition
Sistemi Intelligenti
Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience
South African Journal of Communication Disorders
Theoria et Historia Scientiarum
Timing and Time Perception
Topics in Cognitive Science
Translational Neurodegeneration
Trends in Cognitive Sciences
Trends in Neuroscience and Education
Vision (Switzerland)
Visual Cognition
Zeitschrift fur Neuropsychologie