Explore discussions about the peer review process of scientific journals in the field of Communication.
International Journal on Stereo and Immersive Media
International Review of Pragmatics
Internationale Neerlandistiek
Internet Policy Review
Internet Research
Issues in Language Studies
Jewish Film and New Media
JMM International Journal on Media Management
Journal for Religion, Film and Media
Journal of Advertising
Journal of Advertising Education
Journal of Advertising Research
Journal of African Cinemas
Journal of African Films and Diaspora Studies
Journal of African Media Studies
Journal of Alternative and Community Media
Journal of Applied Communication Research
Journal of Applied Journalism and Media Studies
Journal of Arab and Muslim Media Research
Journal of Argumentation in Context
Journal of Asian Pacific Communication
Journal of Autoethnography
Journal of Brand Strategy
Journal of British Cinema and Television
Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media
Journal of Business and Technical Communication
Journal of Children and Media
Journal of Chinese Cinemas
Journal of Cinema and Media Studies
Journal of Communication
Journal of Communication in Healthcare
Journal of Communication Inquiry
Journal of Communication Management
Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia
Journal of Content, Community and Communication
Journal of Creative Communications
Journal of Digital and Social Media Marketing
Journal of Digital Media and Policy