General Psychology
Explore discussions about the peer review process of scientific journals in the field of General Psychology.
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General
Acta Colombiana de Psicologia
Acta Psychologica Sinica
Actualidades en Psicologia
Addicta: the Turkish Journal on Addictions
Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science
Advances in Simulation
Aggressive Behavior
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research
American Psychologist
Anales de Psicologia
Analise Psicologica
Annals of Behavioral Medicine
Annals of Psychology
Annee Psychologique
Annual Review of Psychology
Anuario de Psicologia
Applied Psycholinguistics
Archives of Sexual Behavior
Asian American Journal of Psychology
Asian Journal of Psychiatry
Australian Journal of Psychology
Australian Psychologist
Avaliacao Psicologica
Behavior Research Methods
Behavioral Sciences
BioPsychoSocial Medicine
BMC psychology
Body Image
British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology
British Journal of Psychology
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science
Canadian Psychology
Career Development Quarterly
Ceskoslovenska Psychologie
Ciencias Psicologicas
Cogent Psychology
Collabra: Psychology