General Psychology
Explore discussions about the peer review process of scientific journals in the field of General Psychology.
International Journal of Selection and Assessment
International Journal of Stress Management
Islamic Guidance and Counseling Journal
Japanese Psychological Research
Journal for the Measurement of Physical Behaviour
Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour
Journal of Behavioral Medicine
Journal of Business and Psychology
Journal of Career Development
Journal of Child Language
Journal of Education Culture and Society
Journal of Employment Counseling
Journal of Family Psychology
Journal of Gambling Studies
Journal of Homosexuality
Journal of Individual Differences
Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability
Journal of Mathematical Psychology
Journal of Organizational Behavior
Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology
Journal of Positive Psychology
Journal of Psychoactive Drugs
Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research
Journal of Psychology and Theology
Journal of Psychology in Africa
Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology
Journal of Research in Personality
Journal of Sex Research
Journal of Sexual Aggression
Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology
Journal of Underrepresented and Minority Progress
Law and Human Behavior
Limite (Chile)
Magyar Pszichologiai Szemle
Mathematical Social Sciences
Methods in Psychology