Geography, Planning and Development
Explore discussions about the peer review process of scientific journals in the field of Geography, Planning and Development.
Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Studies
Journal of International Development
Journal of International Relations and Development
Journal of International Trade and Economic Development
Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy
Journal of Land Use Science
Journal of Landscape Architecture
Journal of Latin American Studies
Journal of Maps
Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology
Journal of Modern African Studies
Journal of Mountain Science
Journal of North African Studies
Journal of Palaeogeography
Journal of Palaeogeography (Chinese Edition)
Journal of Palestine Studies
Journal of Place Management and Development
Journal of Planning and Environment Law
Journal of Planning Education and Research
Journal of Planning History
Journal of Planning Literature
Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events
Journal of Political Ecology
Journal of Political Ideologies
Journal of Population Ageing
Journal of Population and Social Studies
Journal of Property Research
Journal of Public Transportation
Journal of Race Ethnicity and the City
Journal of Refugee Studies
Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy
Journal of Regional and City Planning
Journal of Remote Sensing (United States)
Journal of Rural Studies
Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning
Journal of Sikh and Punjab Studies
Journal of Social Development in Africa
Journal of Southeast Asian Studies
Journal of Southern African Studies
Journal of Spatial Information Science