Health (social science)
Explore discussions about the peer review process of scientific journals in the field of Health (social science).
Social Medicine
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology
Social Science and Medicine
Social Theory and Health
Social Work and Social Sciences Review
Social Work in Public Health
Socialni Prace
Sociologia y Tecnociencia
Sociology of Health and Illness
South Eastern European Journal of Public Health
Southern African Journal of Social Work and Social Development
Sporting Traditions
SSM – Population Health
SSM – Qualitative Research in Health
Strides in Development of Medical Education Journal
Studia Sportiva
Substance Use and Misuse
Sustainability Science
The Lancet Healthy Longevity
The Lancet Planetary Health
Tijdschrift voor Bedrijfs- en Verzekeringsgeneeskunde
Tobacco Control
Tobacco Induced Diseases
Tobacco Prevention and Cessation
Transcultural Psychiatry
Trauma, Violence, and Abuse
Universal Journal of Public Health
Urban Social Work
Victims and Offenders
Violence and Gender
Violence and Victims
Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies
Wellbeing, Space and Society
Western Pacific surveillance and response journal : WPSAR
Women’s Health Issues
Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice