Mechanics of Materials
Explore discussions about the peer review process of scientific journals in the field of Mechanics of Materials.
Welding Journal
WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences
World Journal of Engineering
WSEAS Transactions on Applied and Theoretical Mechanics
Ying Yong Li Xue Xue Bao/Chinese Journal of Applied Mechanics
Yosetsu Gakkai Ronbunshu/Quarterly Journal of the Japan Welding Society
Yosetsu Gakkai Shi/Journal of the Japan Welding Society
Zairyo/Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan
Zhendong Ceshi Yu Zhenduan/Journal of Vibration, Measurement and Diagnosis
Zhendong Gongcheng Xuebao/Journal of Vibration Engineering
Zhendong yu Chongji/Journal of Vibration and Shock