Explore discussions about the peer review process of scientific journals in the field of Music.
Journal of the Alamire Foundation
Journal of the American Musical Instrument Society
Journal of the American Musicological Society
Journal of the Association for Music and Imagery
Journal of the Musical Arts in Africa
Journal of the Royal Musical Association
Journal of the Society for American Music
Journal of Urban Culture Research
Journal of World Popular Music
Jurnal Kajian Bali
Korean Journal of Research in Music Education
Lietuvos Muzikologija
Malaysian Journal of Music
Metal Music Studies
Modernist Cultures
Music & Medicine
Music Analysis
Music and Letters
Music and Science
Music Education Research
Music Educators Journal
Music in Art
Music Perception
Music Reference Services Quarterly
Music Theory Online
Music Theory Spectrum
Music Therapy Perspectives
Music, Sound and the Moving Image
Musica Hodie
Musica Tecnologia
Musicae Scientiae
Musical Art and Education
Musical Quarterly
Musicologica Brunensia
Musicology Australia