Political Science and International Relations
Explore discussions about the peer review process of scientific journals in the field of Political Science and International Relations.
Journal of International Peacekeeping
Journal of International Relations and Development
Journal of International Studies
Journal of International Studies(Malaysia)
Journal of International Trade Law and Policy
Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding
Journal of Israeli History
Journal of Labor and Society
Journal of Law and Courts
Journal of Modern Italian Studies
Journal of Modern Jewish Studies
Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs
Journal of Muslim Philanthropy and Civil Society
Journal of North African Studies
Journal of Peace Education
Journal of Peace Research
Journal of Peacebuilding and Development
Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism
Journal of Political Ecology
Journal of Political Ideologies
Journal of Politics in Latin America
Journal of Private International Law
Journal of Public Affairs
Journal of Race Ethnicity and the City
Journal of Refugee Studies
Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy
Journal of Regional Security
Journal of Sikh and Punjab Studies
Journal of Slavic Military Studies
Journal of Social, Political, and Economic Studies
Journal of Southeast Asian Economies
Journal of Strategic Security
Journal of Strategic Studies
Journal of Territorial and Maritime Studies
Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy
Journal of the History of International Law
Journal of the Indian Ocean Region
Journal of the Japanese and International Economies
Journal of the Middle East and Africa
Journal of Transatlantic Studies