Political Science and International Relations
Explore discussions about the peer review process of scientific journals in the field of Political Science and International Relations.
Slovak Journal of Political Sciences
Slovansky prehled
Small Wars and Insurgencies
Social Policy and Society
Social Research
Society Register
South African Journal of International Affairs
South East Asia Research
Southeast Asian Studies
Southeast European and Black Sea Studies
Southeastern Europe
Sovremennaya Evropa
Space and Polity
State and Local Government Review
State Politics and Policy Quarterly
Strategic Analysis
Strategic Comments
Studia Politica
Studies in Comparative International Development
Studies in Conflict and Terrorism
Studies in Indian Politics
Studies in Media and Communication
Studies in Political Economy
Sulla Via del Catai
Swiss Political Science Review
Taiwanese Political Science Review
TalTech Journal of European Studies
Tamkang Journal of International Affairs
Teoria y Realidad Constitucional
Terra Economicus
Territory, Politics, Governance
Terrorism and Political Violence
Thammasat Review
The Canadian yearbook of international law. Annuaire canadien de droit international
The Hague Journal of Diplomacy
The Journal of Legislative Studies
The Military Balance