Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
Explore discussions about the peer review process of scientific journals in the field of Social Sciences (miscellaneous).
Journal of Islamic Law
Journal of Labor and Society
Journal of Language and Discrimination
Journal of Loss and Trauma
Journal of Magazine Media
Journal of Management, Spirituality and Religion
Journal of Marital and Family Therapy
Journal of Marriage and Family
Journal of Mathematical Sociology
Journal of Metaverse
Journal of Mixed Methods Research
Journal of Occupational Science
Journal of Park and Recreation Administration
Journal of Philosophy in Schools
Journal of Physical Education (Maringa)
Journal of Political and Military Sociology
Journal of Population and Social Studies
Journal of Posthumanism
Journal of Productivity Analysis
Journal of Progressive Human Services
Journal of Psychosocial Studies
Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports
Journal of Research on Adolescence
Journal of Road Safety
Journal of Social and Economic Development
Journal of Social Inclusion
Journal of Social Policy
Journal of Social Service Research
Journal of Social Structure
Journal of Social Studies Education Research
Journal of Social Studies Research
Journal of Social Work
Journal of Social Work Education
Journal of Social Work Practice
Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare
Journal of Spirituality in Mental Health
Journal of Statistical Research
Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology
Journal of Sustainable Development Law and Policy
Journal of Technology in Human Services