Visual Arts and Performing Arts
Explore discussions about the peer review process of scientific journals in the field of Visual Arts and Performing Arts.
Journal of Contemporary Drama in English
Journal of Contemporary Painting
Journal of Creative Behavior
Journal of Curatorial Studies
Journal of Dance and Somatic Practices
Journal of Dance Education
Journal of Design
Journal of Design History
Journal of Design, Business and Society
Journal of Environmental Media
Journal of Film and Video
Journal of Gender and Sexuality Studies
Journal of Glass Studies
Journal of Global Postcolonial Studies
Journal of Graphic Novels and Comics
Journal of Hellenic Studies
Journal of Interdisciplinary Voice Studies
Journal of Interior Design
Journal of Islamic Manuscripts
Journal of Italian Cinema and Media Studies
Journal of Japanese and Korean Cinema
Journal of Lusophone Studies
Journal of Mathematics and the Arts
Journal of Medieval Monastic Studies
Journal of Modern Craft
Journal of Modern Periodical Studies
Journal of Mosaic Research
Journal of New Music Research
Journal of Popular Film and Television
Journal of Popular Music Education
Journal of Popular Romance Studies
Journal of Print and Media Technology Research
Journal of Roman Archaeology
Journal of Roman Studies
Journal of Romance Studies
Journal of Scandinavian Cinema
Journal of Science and Technology of the Arts
Journal of Screenwriting
Journal of the British Archeological Association
Journal of the History of Collections