Language, Culture and Curriculum

Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISSN / E-ISSN: 7908318
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17/09/2024 2:33 PM

I submitted my work to Language, Culture and Curriculum in the first half of 2024. I chose this journal because it’s one of the most respected in the field of language issues, particularly because of its focus on the social aspects of language learning and teaching, rather than pure linguistics. I was initially concerned about the word count requirement, as it meant significantly narrowing down my article to meet their guidelines.

The review process itself went smoothly. The editor managed everything efficiently, with no delays, and the review time aligned well with the journal’s stated speed metrics. However, my experience with the reviewers was less positive. Their feedback, while thorough, was extremely harsh and at times crossed into unprofessional territory in terms of tone. Despite my efforts to fit the article into the required word limit, the reviewers expected far more detail than could reasonably be included within the allowed space; more in line with what one would expect in much longer articles (e.g., 10,000 to 12,000 words). Additionally, they criticized my paper for lacking certain materials, even though these were actually included.

In hindsight, I accept that this journal may not have been the right fit for my work due to the space constraints. However, this doesn’t excuse the reviewers’ unfriendly and, at moments, hostile tone. While constructive criticism is part of the review process, I believe it’s essential for reviewers to maintain a professional and respectful manner in their feedback, regardless of any shortcomings in the submission.

Overall, while Language, Culture and Curriculum remains a prestigious journal, I would advise potential authors to carefully consider whether the word limit allows for the depth of discussion their topic requires.

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