Life-span and Life-course Studies
Explore discussions about the peer review process of scientific journals in the field of Life-span and Life-course Studies.
Journal of Child and Family Studies
Journal of Youth Development
Journal of Aging and Social Policy
Journal of Aging Studies
Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology
Journal of Early Adolescence
Journal of Genetic Psychology
Journal of Human Growth and Development
Journal of Intergenerational Relationships
Journal of Religion, Spirituality and Aging
Journal of Retirement
Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life and Palliative Care
Journal of the Economics of Ageing
Journal of Vocational Behavior
Journal of Aging and Health
Journal of Youth Studies
Journals of Gerontology – Series B Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences
Life Span and Disability
Longitudinal and Life Course Studies
National Vital Statistics Reports
Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies
Nordic Welfare Research
Omega: Journal of Death and Dying
Personal Relationships
Professions and Professionalism
Psychology of Men and Masculinity
Work, Aging and Retirement
Young Consumers
Education and Training
Anthropology and Aging
Applied Developmental Science
Applied Research in Quality of Life
Boyhood Studies
Calitatea Vietii
Child and Youth Care Forum
Child Development Perspectives
Childhood in the Past
Children and Society
Developmental Psychology